Tunning moves into the Peruvian market

Years of specialization in large-scale mining projects in Chile and abroad, together with concrete experiences in Peru -such as the development of the electrical SCADA for the Quellaveco copper plant and the ILO control system-, position Tunning as a competitive company in the brother country.

“We want to be a contribution to the Peruvian mining industry, as well as to the energy and construction sectors,” says engineer Claudio Jara, founder and general manager of Tunning-electric. The Chilean company has been developing automation and electric drives for large industrial projects for more than 30 years, with demanding standards and regulations in safety, technology and quality assurance.

With these credentials they have already participated in the operations of one of the most important copper deposits in the world, Quellaveco, located in the Moquegua region, in southern Peru, and operated by Anglo American.

There they installed the electronic devices that connect the sensors to the SCADA master station, as well as the entire communications, server and visualization infrastructure, including interoperability tasks and field work in high mountains, “a very challenging experience,” says Jara.

Tunning-electric installed the control system for the modernization project of the port of Ilo, a city located in the department of Moquegua, Peru.

With strategic partners such as Rockwell automation -global leaders in industrial automation and digital transformation-, and precisión.tech -leading-edge technology for industrial efficiency-, they have approached Peruvian industrial capital conglomerates.

Thus, they have presented their strong experience in the incorporation of new technologies in large-scale mining, such as the specialized work developed in desalination plant control system processes -which allows the replacement of the use of continental water by desalinated seawater-, or black smoke control systems in copper smelters -which favor the management of toxic gases, preventing them from being released into the atmosphere-, among many others.

Tunning is currently working on a maintenance project for the desalination plant of Antofagasta Minerals’ Minera Los Pelambres.


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